
Events – Fundraising – Wish List

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HSHS Looking for Tremble Photos
HSHS Looking for Tremble Photos HSHS is looking for pictures of Tremble School and the students that attended. Contact Tim ...

HSHS Looking for Tremble Photos

Tryouts being held.

The Howard-Suamico Historical Society will be holding open auditions for an upcoming Readers Theater. A Readers Theatre is performing from an open book and reading the lines while acting in front of an audience.

We are planning a presentation of “A Day at the Old School House” to be held on Saturday, August 10th at 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Each performance requires about 25 participants (over age 10 to senior citizens) to perform roles in the play and last about one hour.

Open auditions for cast members will be held on Tuesday, June 25th and Wednesday, June 26th at 6 p.m. inside Tremble School, 12787 Velp Avenue. Once the cast is chosen three rehearsals and one dress rehearsal will be held before the Saturday performance.

If you would like to perform in a lighthearted enlightening glimpse into what a one room school was like, please consider joining our cast of characters.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any board members of the historical society.

Monthly Minutes

Howard-Suamico Historical Society

September 5, 2024

HSHS Office & Museum, 605 Maywood Avenue

Call to order: The September Meeting of HSHS was called to order by President, Tim Rasmussen at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Tim Rasmussen, Barb Styczynski, Steve Pamperin, Geri Corbeille, Ellery Gulbrand, Brian Gillaume, Michelle Bartoletti, Jan Deneys, Tom Mooren

Minutes: The minutes from the August meeting were approved with a motion by Tom Mooren and a second by Geri Corbeille. Motion carried.

Treasurer Report: Steve Pamperin presented Treasurer’s Report. HSHS current assets are $33,495.87. Michelle Bartoletti made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and to pay outstanding bills. Motion seconded by Ellery Gulbrand. Motion carried.

New Business:

Barb Styczynski is working on the 2025 HSHS Calendar with the help of Michelle Bartoletti and Geri Corbeille.

Tim Rasmussen reported HSHS has 154 members who have paid their membership fee. At this point 31 members are past due. Tim will be sending out a reminder.

Barb Styczynski reported HSHS will receive a $500 grant from the Packers “Dollars for Doers” Program, because of Tim Rasmussen’s volunteer hours. Thank you, Tim!

Brian Gillaume reported HSHS will have a Used Book Sale for an abundance of used Military books. The Book Sale will be held Saturday, September 21, 2024, at Ancestry Acres from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The August Used Book Sale was a huge success.

A discussion was held regarding joining the Brown County Federation of Historical Organizations. Ellery Gulbrand made a motion to join the organization for the next year for a fee of $60.00. Motion seconded by Brian Gillaume. Motion carried.

Old Business:

Tim Rasmussen reported Donna Mahoney from Yoga Loft in Suamico will be using Tremble School to train new instructors. These classes fall into our mission to provide the school for educational purposes.

Ancestry Acres again will be the site for Suamico Trick or Treat Drive-thru. Tom Mooren made a motion for HSHS to purchase pumpkins for the event. Steve Pamperin amended the motion to spend up to $300 for pumpkin purchases. Seconded by Brian Gillaume. Motion carried.

The next deadline for the Newsletter is October 10, 2024. Florence is always looking for articles. Information should be sent to Florence Banaszak at

Geri Corbeille made a motion to adjourn with the second by Jan Deneys. Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:52 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,Ellery Gulbrand, Secretary

Dates to Remember:

Oct. 3, 2024 – (General Meeting)- Program to be announced.

Nov. 7, 2024 – (Board Meeting)

Dec. 5, 2024 – (Christmas Party)

January 9, 2025 – (Board Meeting)

February 6, 2025 (General Meeting) – Program to be announced.

Thank You to our volunteers: Together we make a difference!